
Send us questions or suggestions through the form or directly through the available contacts.

Protection of personal data.
Remaches Tudela, will treat your data to respond to your inquiries. For more information about the processing and your rights, please see the privacy policy.


Polígono Industrial Las Labradas
Calle Cantabria, Naves 14.8 y 14.9
Post Office Box, 31

Remaches Tudela

National Sales Department

Administration / Information

Export/ International Department

Legal Headquarters in China


Barcelona (Warehouse)
Uni2pla, S.L.

Zamora, 46-48
08005, Barcelona

Uni2pla, S.L.

Valencia (Warehouse)
Representaciones Merelo

Industrial Park Nº6 Vereda Sur, C/Matadera, 37
46466 Beniparrell (Valencia)

Representaciones Merelo